Real Estate is a competitive industry, this article discusses some of the garbage a real estate salesperson namely me has to endure on a regular basis and is actually going through right now.
This past Friday a new client prospect called my office to get a little info about one of my listings, I setup a showing for him which after he said, he'd need "the boss" (his wife) to see it before making any decisions. I can surely understand that!
The buyer later told me he wanted me to search for other properties in the area so I can show him and went on with describing his wants and needs in further detail as well as the sections of town he wanted and didn't want. I went back to the office and searched for homes which doesn't take a second or two, if you really look for something a client will like and weed though the garbage, can take some time.
Saturday comes and the client calls me again, he now would like to show the property to "the boss" and his daughter and also wants me to get more info about a property he drove by a few minutes ago. Certainly, I asked if he wanted to me also print out a few more properties in the area and bring them to him so we can see a few, yes he replied and so I setup the showing for the property he asked about and printed out a few additional ones.
After seeing showing my listing to the family, they liked it but would like to see the other property now before any yeah or nay! So now we truck on over a few blocks over to the other property he drove by earlier wanting more info about and surprise, this home is much much larger inside and very nice as well. The exterior was deceptive as it looked dated with wood shingle siding and an old beat up front door that looks like it was home made.
The family absolutely loved this home and was not quiet about it, expressing how lovely the home was over and over to the seller (bad move from a negotiation stand point). So... we step outside and he tells me to write up the offer and call him when it's ready and they'll come by to sign the contracts.
I went back to the office wrote up the contract, called him.... called again.... left a message.... no answer...!!!!
Next day rolls around Sunday! I called.... called again... left a message... no reply...
Monday now rolls around and I get a call from the buyer ;-D smiles! But wait...

The buyer starts babbling and rambling on real fast, he is Hindu with a strong accent so I really cannot understand a word he is saying so I slow him down and ask him to repeat slowly. Apparently he was trying to slip one by me saying his wife's cousin or relative of some sort is a realtor and wanted to know how to get her involved in the transaction! WHAT???????????
He tells me he wants to keep the peace in the family and she contacted them asking if he checked his email because she emailed him this same property that I showed them, this other realtor also asked if I had them sign any paperwork and if not said they did not have to place an offer using me and could use her instead! Obviously a realtor that has no scruples or understands the concept of ethics. She should have never even asked if I had her sign any paperwork, just knowing he is working with another agent is reason enough to back off.
After this conversation he asks if he should have her call me to discuss how we should work this out, of course I said absolutely have her call me right away. Then he went on to ask for advice on pricing and maybe he should offer a little less for the house (Asking price was raised recently to $334,900 from $325K, buyer originally wanted to offer $310K now wants to lower that amount to $300K for negotiations. By the way he wants to put down $100K cash! I advised against that at least during the offer period for negotiations sake.)
Listen, I'm no sucker and it is clear that I was the cause of this buyer placing an offer on this property, besides New Jersey is a procuring cause state; meaning if a real estate agent is found to be the procuring cause of a purchase they will be due a commission whether an exclusive agency agreement is in existence or not. I bring this topic up because it’s not all too uncommon for a buyer to search for a home using one agent then writing the contract using another and I will pursue this matter further and file ethics complaints if it comes to that.
If this other agent has already had a buyers agency agreement signed with the seller like they are claiming now all of a sudden, that is an issue that the other agent will have to bring up with the buyer. I asked when I first met the guy with his wife if they were working with another agent in an indirect way, when I showed him the list of properties available in the area meeting his criteria he commented on a few that they already saw this one and that one so I asked how did you see these properties, he said ah... we've been looking for a while and go to open houses and we'll we've seen a lot. No mention whatsoever of another agent being in the picture.
I will follow up and if this property does go under contract I will place a complaint with the local association of Realtors and call for an arbitration meeting. I work too hard for a lazy agent to swoop in and take away commissions due to me.
There will be a follow up to this article...
how did it turn out?
The issue is still ongoing but I'm monitoring it closely. The property still doesn't have an offer on it and I'm still getting the run around from them so...
I think they wanted to wait to see if I forgot about it before making the offer. Who knows, we shall see!
Just wanted to close this out and post a follow up.
This buyer ended up purchasing another home which I did not show him through his family member realtor.
He did call me to refer his brother who is now buying but he is not communicating so I doubt anything will come of that but I'll follow up anyway.
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