I'd like to start off by welcoming all the visitors to my brokerage's blog, my name is Victor Kaminski and I'm the Broker of Record and owner of Marivic GMAC Real Estate, Marivic Referral Associates and Marivic School of Business.

The Marivic Companies were started by Victor Kaminski and Maritess Kaminski as a partnership in hopes of offering a better option to traditional real estate brokerages for agents, a little variety, something different when it comes to a real estate brokerage and culture that grows within. Each of us come from very different backgrounds which work well together, one as a technology geek with marketing and human behavior observation skills, the other as an up beat get the job done no nonsense attitude with a background as an educator.
We offer our agents more, a chance to learn more, earn more, develop skills you may never thought you even had and will teach you how to be successful in real estate as a career minded individual. We encourage when others discourage, we will show your how to become a better agent though hard work and will equip you with the tools needed to do the job.
We strive to fill our office only with the hardest working agents in the biz, young or old, black, white, asian, latino it doesn't matter. We are an equal opportunity employer and seek agents from diverse backgrounds to teach, share and collaborate with each other like no other office in the industry.
We encourage agents who work together to play together by offering outings and occasions to play as well as work in different environments as an opportunity to break away from the norm. Break away from the stress working as a real estate agent can bring.
We'll get into more of the details in other articles at a later time. I wouldn't want to overload you by regurgitated too many of my ideas all at once, besides the competition is listening. Shhhh......
Does this sound like a better work environment to you? We offer the tools to work smarter not just harder and offer the most training options. Our training topics are never fluff, always the best possible usable topics are covered. With all kinds of training available from from self paced videos by professional trainers to formal classroom and webex type training classes and round table brain storming and role play sessions, we have it all.
We recognize talent and encourage it to grow in you and with us. We offer opportunity, showing how hard work and effort can and will pay off. If you want to earn more, learn more, be presented with more opportunities then any other office offers and have the desire to truly look out for your client’s best interest, look no further than Marivic GMAC Real Estate and come grow with us.
Okay... Alright already....Enough already?
This blog will be filled with everything from content from our agency listings to articles I hope you will enjoy and find insightful covering topics like my quarks and takes on the real estate industry, rants and raves, best of and worst of and factors which effect it, external as well as from within.
Many folks find me to be a love him, hate him type of character with a few on neutral ground, its all in good fun and although sarcastic always with good intentions, this is all part of what makes up my unique personality.
I consider myself a pull no punches kind of guy, believe in honesty even if it hurts and that integrity, honor, dignity, ethics and morals are good things to have and are all traits which build character, Everyone should have some!
Most of the opinions found in this blog are strictly that, opinions of Victor Kaminski and may not reflect the opinions of everyone in my agency or industry. Although my views and outlook will be given, remember much of it is only my opinion even though facts are many times quoted or used, always do your own due diligence and check with your attorney and accountants for all legal and financial matters and how they can affect you. Nothing herein should constitute legal or financial advice.
Through my contributions and consumer as well as other professionals feedback in other blogs on the web, I have found how personalities and perspectives on the real estate market topic, trends and opinions differ vastly and at times it can be amusing while other times irritating, either way it is good to hear other people's opinions and views.
All this makes up the great democracy we live in here in the United States but keep in mind, this is MY BLOG and not a democracy so get with the program!
Please enjoy and leave with a little more knowledge, perspective or a few laughs, we'll try and keep the tears to a minimum.
It's a good thing to stay sharp and on your toes in this industry and this is just my stress reliever and perspective enhancer. Although this blog entry is geared more toward the professionals in the industry or wanting to break into it, I'd like to hear the opinions and input from you, the consumer as well in this blog, trust me when I say you'll always get mine!
Once again enjoy and please don't ever be offended, take it all in with a grain of salt and remember its all in good fun.